Who are the Water-holic Cut flowers?
Without water there is no life and when it comes to cut flowers, responsibility plays a very big part of the water equation as every cut flower has its own drinking water requirements. Yes they can be blooming fussy and demanding
The Medicinal VALUE of Cut flowers
For centuries man has been using fauna to medicate illnesses. The powerful properties in mother natures fauna seem to work a treat. The good news is more and more people are now appreciating the organic goodness fauna has to offer compared to
The South African Cut-flower LIST!
What a beautiful world we live in. Beauty surrounds us everyday with Mother's Nature's reminder of all things, are great and wonderful. She certainly knows how to turn it on with abundance, when it comes to plants and cut-flowers. Just like
The short LIFE Cut flowers
Cut flower life span up 3 - 7 days How many times have you heard the phrase, cut flowers are a waste of money they don't seem to last as long. There are a few contributing reasons, why that happens. Consumer handling
What Cut-flower WORTHY plants to grow at HOME to reap Cut-flower REWARDS!
It all started in the family home garden in the 1980's for me. Gardening was my man-made HEAVEN on earth. It was my escape too destination. It was where i was introduced for the first time to a smorgasbord of different