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Floral Gossip

Mr Dahlia

All cut flowers speak a universal language. The language that travels in a vibration and frequency force that feeds our human spirit.

It’s a language that has been forgotten, lost in the past and left in the dark.

Forgotten, NO MORE.

At Floral Gossip, we are passionate about resurrecting the forgotten once upon a time floral messages, to have today, ready to be shared, floral messages for our BLOOMING human race.

I have put together a few subjects that i feel you will find blooming interesting about Mr Dahlia.

Mr Dahlia Message

I am here to express sentiments of dignity, good taste & elegance into your life. I bring also with me the power of commitment and a bond that will last forever.

What to look out for when purchasing

  • Mr Dahlia should be ¾ to fully open as they do not open much in the vase.
  • The foliage must be firm, crisp & green, with no sign of yellowing.
  • Flower head’s must be firm and vibrant in colour.

Signs of Aging

  • Blooms feel weak.
  • Colour fade.
  • Yellow leaves = Lack of Magnesium or Iron.

Floral Gossip about Mr Dahlia

Mr Dahlia was grown as a food & household crop by the Aztec Indians.

Mr Dahlia is the official flower of San Francisco and Seattle.

MEXICO’s National flower since 1963.

Mr Dahlia petals are edible. A great addition to salads.

Mr Dahlia was a solar symbol worn by Moctezuma and his nobles.