How to make Cut flowers last LONGER!
Yes, you can make cut flower last longer if you know what type of cut flower you have (female or male) and how they are grown.
For female cut flowers:
“Slip on the heel’s and no hairy legs in the vase.”
It took me more than a decade to discover that the way you cut the stem of a flower will determine how long it will live for.
I discovered that with any cut flower that comes from seed it is best to cut into the stem diagonally i.e. slip on the heels. Cut flowers cut on an angle need extra water to drink up, hence the diagonal cut which allows more water into the cut flower stem leaving the female cut flower happier for longer.
And, of course, you need to cut off any excess leaves that fall below the water line. This reduces rotting and clouding in the water.
Just add water
It’s also important to change the water in your vase on a regular basis as this helps prevent bacteria growing and reducing the length of time your flowers will bloom.
That said, just like us sometimes after an enjoyable evening out or at home, you can pop an aspirin in the water to extend their life.
To help you keep your cut flowers blooming I have put together a list of the “gals” for you to meet and get started.
Enjoy my darling BLOSSOMS.
Mercedes X
Ms Hydrangea
Ms Rose
Ms Chrysanthemum
Ms Delphinium
Ms Lilac
Ms Gerbera
Ms Baby’s Breath
Ms Calendula
Ms China Aster
Ms Sweet Pea
Ms Sunflower
Ms Lavender
Ms Snap Dragon
Ms Gardenia
Ms Carnation
Ms Acacia
Ms Anemone
Ms Banksia
Ms Molucca Balm
Ms Cornflower
Ms Echinacea
Ms King Protea
Ms Lisianthus
Ms Marigold
Ms Poppy
Ms Pink Ice
Ms St John’s Wort
Ms Ranunculus
Ms Stock
Ms Sweet William
Ms Waratah
Ms Zinnia
Ms Celosia
Ms Erica
Ms Boronia