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Floral Gossip

Mr Crocus

The Crocus was first documented in the Mediterranean and that cultivation and harvesting of Mr Crocus sativus for saffron was on the island of Crete. 

It is often referred to as the light bulb flower because it looks like a bright light bulb.

In Victorian times Mr Crocus symbolised, gladness, youthfulness, glee and cheerfulness.

Mr Crocus can also aid in banishing nightmares, cooling down violent emotions, increase happiness and wealth.

Cutflower Care 

  1. Keep cool at all times.
  2. Strip leaves from the bottom half of each stem and wash thoroughly.
  3. Recut flush at least 3 cm off each stem with sharp secateurs and place in water.
  4. Do not bash or split stems.
  5. Always use flower food as this will help keep open flowers looking fresh.
  6. Replace vase water with fresh flower food every 3rd day.
  7. Mr Crocus is sensitive to ethylene, and as they are often picked from the side of the road, most are affected and will drop flowers. For this reason they do not have a long life.