The short LIFE Cut flowers
Cut flower life span up 3 – 7 days
How many times have you heard the phrase, cut flowers are a waste of money they don’t seem to last as long.
There are a few contributing reasons, why that happens. Consumer handling is a factor, temperature is another, water quality and how the cut flowers are transported.
As unique to the eye cut flowers are to us so is their message, energy properties, medicinal use, vibrations and how we care for them.
As consumers we are all programmed to get good value for money, which is fair enough because i don’t know anybody to date who really enjoys getting ripped off.
Sharing with you what cut flowers are short lived is very important to me. It doesn’t mean if they’re short lived they must be cheaper to purchase, not at all, but knowledge is power and as a lover of cut flowers as you all, you must be aware of which cut flower is short lived.
So i have put together an introduction of who are the short lived cut flowers, to keep you be prepared and aware.
Enjoy my darling blossoms.
Ms Gardenia
Ms Snap Dragon (2nd grade)
Ms Sunflower
Ms Delphinium (2nd grade)
Ms Calendula
Mr Daffodil
Ms Rose (2nd grade)
Mr Tulip
Mr Hyacinth
Ms Sweet Pea
Mr Dahlia
Mr Iris
Ms Gerbera (mini)
Mr & Mrs. Peony