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Floral Gossip

What Cut-flower WORTHY plants to grow at HOME to reap Cut-flower REWARDS!

It all started in the family home garden in the 1980’s for me.

Gardening was my man-made HEAVEN on earth. It was my escape too destination. It was where i was introduced for the first time to a smorgasbord of different flowering plants.

Many thanks to the previous home owners of my childhood family home. They where rightfully award winning gardeners who repeatably made their green thumb print in major magazine publications.

With my discovery cap on, I was surprised to discover in my childhood that not all cut-flowers had fragrance and that their vase life differed from the cut-flower next door. All of which at the time was overwhelming but super super EXCITING!!!!

Just like me in my childhood i want you to experience what i did, so let me introduce you to the Plant Cut-flower worthy LIST.

The flowering plants you can grow at home and in return will reward you with blooming cut-flowers every month of the calendar year.

Ms Banksia

Ms King Protea

Ms Waratah

Ms Gardenia

Ms Hydrangea

Ms Acacia

Ms Rose

Ms Lavender

Mr Bird of Paradise

Mr Anthurium

Mr Cymbidium Orchid

Mr Cattleya Orchid

Mr Phalaenopsis Orchid

Mr Agapanthus